Tulipp project will be presented by Fraunhofer in a poster session at the First European Machine Vision Forum (EMVA 2016) which will take place on September 8 to September 9 2016 in Heidelberg University, Germany.

The European Machine Vision Forum is a new annual two-day event of the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA). The aim is to foster interaction between the machine vision industry and academic research to learn from each other, discuss the newest research results as well as problems from applications, learn about emerging application fields, and to discuss research cooperation between industry and academic institutes. The overall aim is to accelerate innovation by translating new re-search results faster into practice.

The forum is directed to scientists, development engineers, software and hardware engineers, and programmers both from research and industry.

About EMVA:
Founded in May 2003 in Barcelona, the European Machine Vision Association is an industry-driven networking framework providing a constant source of exchange, information and inspiration on machine vision technology in Europe.
At present, about 100 companies, some national machine vision associations and several scientific organizations are members – representing more than 20 countries. All EMVA activities and projects aim at boosting the development of the machine vision industry in a bigger, united Europe: statistics and market data, standardization, trade fairs, international marketing, public relations, research and networking events, and continuous education.

More information can be found at: http://www.emva-forum.org/