The stakes are often very high, as the political elite compete to control valuable natural resources. Digital interference threatens expression and privacy rights as well as voters access to information. WebWhatever democratic progress has been accomplished in Africa by the early 1990s still is largely structural or constitutional. Africa therefore needs democracy for food and democracy for development sake. Freedom House's Tiseke Kasambala discusses the state of democracy in Africa where, in spite of the global decline of democracy, many countries are showing hopeful signs of resilience. stability. , a country with a historically robust democratic tradition, the Court of Appeal upheld a 2019 lower-court ruling decriminalizing same-sex relations. The prevailing security challenges, humanitarian needs and, Despite the challenges and concerns I have shared, there are also many positive examples from Africa that affirm the important role of elections in facilitating peaceful competition for political power, strengthening democracy and advancing human dignity for all. Webpractical solutions to challenges affecting Africa. We have seen examples of this in Eswatini, Nigeria, Uganda, Sudan, and Zimbabwe. In many countries, this has been left unresolved since the end of colonial rule. Notably, the Institute organized webinars for direct exchanges with local partners and electoral stakeholders, and developed innovations for groups to conduct recruitment, training and strategic communications on electoral integrity monitoring. In many cases where you find development projects funded by China, these countries have few other options. While some nations have successfully enacted democratic forms of are also chances for advancement. brought on by underpinning problems like poverty, corruption, and lack of These institutional changes have resulted in, for example, the demise of the racially based apartheid system in the Republic of South Africa and the introduction of a nonracial democracy. In terms of livelihoods, per capita income has returned to Leaders on the continent have made significant changes to turn School of Arts & SciencesUniversity of Pennsylvania3600 Market Street, Suite 300Philadelphia, PA 19104-3284Phone: 215-746-1232Fax: 215-573-2096Email:, 2023 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania School of Arts & Sciences. We should, therefore, give greater credit to the politicians and people of Africas democratic states. On September 17, 2020, all the parties agreed to an indirect (delegate model) electoral system, the formation of electoral committees to manage elections at federal and regional levels, and the roles of the two levels of government in appointing officials to the electoral committee. Another challenge is the absence of a clear investment by the political elite in the mess, the true mess, of democratic politics. But since the end of the Cold War, you can no longer make that excuse for many of these countries. Major problems/Challenges of Democracy in Africa 1. In. How well do African countries respect human rights norms and enforce antidiscrimination laws? The successful perpetration of popular systems depends on the Adebanwis undergraduate course, Popular Culture and Youth in Africa, explores how popular culture offers escape and entertainment for young people while also working to transform African societies. Press. In this regard, I see a strong role for the international community, particularly the AU with support from the United Nations, with possible dividends in securing regional stability, bolstering counterterrorism efforts and contributing to Somalias economic development. Perhaps this is responsible for the decision of some African countries to abstain from the votes to condemn Russias action at the United Nations. an effect on the continent's future. Many citizens stay away from political campaigns and polling stations to avoid intimidation, harassment. The fact that many African countries have triumphed over that contestation by choosing democratic rule, plural, multiparty democracy, means that that matter was resolved in a significant way. Free and frequent elections as a constraint to governmental tyranny are a necessary but not sufficient condition to guarantee and guard liberty. Soyinka gave the annual Distinguished Lecture in African Studies at Penn on March 22, 2022. WebDownload or read book The challenges of democratic transition in South Africa written by Simon Bekker and published by Centro de Estudos Internacionais do Instituto Universitrio de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). More than a dozen national elections are scheduled in Africa this year. According to the African Center for Strategic Studies, since 2015, leaders of 13 African countries have evaded or overseen the further weakening of term limit restrictions that had been in place. For example, Alassane Ouattara, who has been president of Cte dIvoire since 2011 and who was seemingly barred from standing for the presidency this election cycle by the constitutions two-term limit, argued in August 2020 that his first two mandates do not count because the limits were created by the constitution that was adopted in 2016, which effectively reset the clock. Understanding the current state of democracy in African nations is crucial for Zambians overcame a repressive political environment to elect opposition presidential candidate Hakainde Hichilema last year. This has been disastrous for the economies in African countries. 2 In other words, the promotion of democracy in Africa was part of the so-called peace dividend. Last year was an exceptionally difficult year for elections in Africa. Having invested heavily in efforts to stabilize Somalia, the international community should envisage taking on a more robust role as a trusted guarantor of agreements reached between the parties. Digital repression has increased as governments respond to online activism by disrupting internet access and blocking online platforms, often during protests and elections. But in reality, democracy is built from within, as the fact that aid-dependent countries such as Uganda and Rwanda have remained firmly authoritarian shows only too well. Representative Bass, I would like to thank you for engaging in international observation of African elections. republic. The hope is that, as the level of democratic development improves in these countries, such constitutional coups will become a rarity. The plans announced last week to allow humanitarian organizations and independent media access into Tigray, are also critical to provide a full, independent and accurate picture of the humanitarian and human rights conditions in the region. Africa The success of upcoming elections in the region will depend on how well governments, electoral stakeholders and citizens work collaboratively to avoid the negative trends that were witnessed in Uganda and other recent elections in the region. These factors lead to widespread impoverishment, instability, and conflict. The Ethiopian elections will be held in a context that falls short of the high expectations that welcomed the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy and his initial reform agenda; however, they will be an important step in avoiding further regression in the country. enhance the quality and stability of democracy. We'll talk about the state of democracy in I think that there have been occasions in African histories since the end of colonialism that showed clearly the capacity to triumph over this legacy. This further challenges their legitimacy. Western countries should do more to make it clear that they will not recognize any government that comes to power other than through free and fair elections. The situation of democracy in Africa is complex and diverse, to sum up. Nevertheless, in order for elections to perform these three important functions and do so effectively, these elections must (i) be regular, not infrequent; and (ii) fair, free, competitive, inclusive, transparent, and credible. may be made to strengthen government, expand human rights, develop In addition to the countries discussed above, I would also like to make a special appeal that we collectively pay attention to national elections planned for later this year in Zambia. These techniques were effective in multiple contexts, including in the lead up to the 2020 Ghanian elections. , a stable democracy, has also decriminalized same-sex activity. Eventually, for popular systems to be enforced successfully, In Ghana, former president John Mahama respected the Supreme Courts decision to uphold Nana Akufo-Addos electoral victory in 2020. Notably: II:To international partners, including the U.S. Congress: Madam Chair, once more, let me thank you, Ranking Member Smith, and all the members of this distinguished Subcommittee for the important work you are doing to advance democracy and human dignity for all, the consistent support for our work at NDI, and for the invitation to share my testimony with you today. African nations have gone through ages of political bouleversement, constantly While some nations have successfully enacted democratic forms of administration, others have battled with corruption and political unrest. WebSix successful African coups have occurred since 2020, which stressed the duty to protect Americans in those countries and undermined efforts to foster democracy and rule of Encouraging dialogue, consensus building and trust-building among Ethiopian political leaders, exemplified by recent discussions between Prime Minister Abiy and some opposition political parties, are important. Changing the constitution to eliminate term and/or age limits for presidents and allow the incumbent president to unconstitutionally extend his mandate has been referred to as a constitutional coup. As mentioned earlier, NDI and IRI will conduct virtual international pre-election assessment activities while continuing to assess possibilities of fielding in-person teams on election day. Q: Social movements and protests have been critical to facilitating democratic success in Africa. There are serious structural problems that need to be resolved for democratic practice to become fully entrenched. inadequate services Angolan and Zambian youths creatively challenged their governments authoritarian actions using social media. The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is equally poised to continue its important work in monitoring and reporting on human rights during elections. SHARE. In many of the African states, the executive tramples over the judicial and legislative arms of government because those in the executive arm do not have the patience for the complex work of democratic rule. This is the Global Media & Communication podcast series.In this episode, our host Yuval Katz discusses the book The Ethics of Engagement: Media, Conflict and Democracy in Africa (Oxford UP, 2020) by Herman Wasserman.Youll hear about:The ethical and methodological challenges of studying media in Africa; Listen to Herman Residents of the Sahel region and parts of the Horn of Africa face continued insecurity, instability, and armed conflict. Residents of the Sahel region and parts of the Horn of Africa face continued insecurity, instability, and armed conflict. Last year, Tanzanias Hassan administration arrested a prominent opposition leader on terrorism charges; . Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole has thus seen no significant changes to the overall level of democracy, economic management and governance. Postcolonial leaders of Africa, south of the Sahara have struggled desperately to live up to their political expectationsa reason why many would argue, results in the snail pace development of their respective countries. During the 2019 elections, Malawians called for their electoral authoritys chairperson, Jane Ansah, to step down over mismanagement concerns, and the results were later annulled by the Constitutional Court. In 2019, for example, the Angolan government decriminalized such conduct by adopting a new penal code with nondiscrimination provisions. House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Regional Director forSouthern and East Africa. While Africa is not immune from this pattern, African countries have also showed signs of improvement and resilience. decriminalized such conduct by adopting a new penal code with nondiscrimination provisions. WebIt is the aim of this paper to bring this case study of Lab School to the forefront, to affect a more complete historical rendering of segregated schools for African Americans during segregation. Victor Scotti, Jr., C13, works towards a future where diversity, equity, and inclusion are the norm. In this episode, our host Yuval Katz discusses the book The Ethics of Engagement: Media, Conflict and Democracy in Africa (Oxford UP, 2020) by Herman Wasserman. In other words, African countries need to make certain that elections are adjudged credible, not just by external observers but also by each countrys citizens. delicate for countries to duly execute popular principles. Countries across Africa are struggling to consolidate democracy. 808 certified writers online. Jerry Hartz During the tense 2021 preelection period, for example, young Zambian protesters trekked to undisclosed locations and broadcast their activities live on social media. Reports that the federal government, the member states and the opposition will meet in Mogadishu on March 5, 2021 are encouraging and affirms the need for Somalis to lead and forge consensus on the way forward. governance must be strengthened. effectiveness of democracy in African nations. The Recent Presidential Election in Uganda. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), a 'Maharatna' and a Fortune Global 500 Company, today announced that Shri G. Krishnakumar has taken over as the Chairman and Managing Director of the company. In todays Somalia, there persists a very sensitive dispute on the delineation of roles between federal and regional governments. Therefore, whatever happens at the end of the invasion could have impacts in some African countries. They did this through social media campaigns, court cases, and community-led monitoring mechanisms that tracked governments pandemic-related efforts to name a few examples. , where Deputy President William Ruto was. for only $16.05 $11/page. The voting process itself can be marred by pervasive political intolerance. That said, challenges currently appear to outweigh the continents success stories. During the 2019 elections, Malawians called for their electoral authoritys chairperson, Jane Ansah, to step down over mismanagement concerns, and the results were later annulled by the Constitutional Court. In 2020. governance, and promote mortal rights. Q: To begin, how would you describe the state of democracy and civil society in Africa? problems like inequality and poverty, which may encourage further people to The international community should continue to encourage full implementation of those plans throughout all of the Tigray region, without geographical restrictions. Rolling back the interventionist attitude of the West has helped to ensure very robust associational life in post-Cold War-era Africa. WebHello, world! Its also a challenge to Americas moral standing in the world. The. The recent peaceful electoral alternations of political leadership in Malawi and Seychelles, the presidential election in Ghana, and the ongoing process to obtain a peaceful transfer of power from one democratically elected president to another in Niger -- for the first time in that countrys history -- all provide a beacon of hope to democrats on the continent. expansion of mortal rights. An Electrical Engineer from NIT (erstwhile Regional Engineering College), Tiruchirapalli and a Masters in Financial To the extent that democracy has become a norm, or a formal system of governance, in Africa, that is something to be celebrated. African political parties Africa right now, its difficulties, and its development prospects in this blog Schumpeter cited in Ukase (2014) sees democracy as a method by which decision-making is transferred to individuals who have gained power in a . Despite the challenges and concerns I have shared, there are also many positive examples from Africa that affirm the important role of elections in facilitating Discover the stories behind the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of History and Africana Studies office itemsin her own words. Madam Chair gave opening remarks for one of those sessions for Ghanaian stakeholders, and NDI remains very appreciative for your time and support. That means providing an open environment for media, activists, and ordinary internet users; physical security; and fair electoral processes that are ably defended by authorities. NDI has partnered with political parties, parliaments, civil society groups and democratic reformers in government in well over 100 African elections, fielded international observers to more than 50 national elections, and helped citizens develop capacities to monitor and advocate for electoral integrity and reform. Worse, in some countries (Cameroon or The Gambia, for instance), this circumvention of term limits has contributed significantly to the rise of violent and destructive mobilization by marginalized ethnocultural groups. WebHowever, states often go through fleeting periods of democratic reform which may not fully materialize, or teeter in the balance for prolonged periods of time. This may manifest as backhanders , fiscal fraud, or other types of future and speculate on what it could hold for African democracy. There are some positive and encouraging developments for democratic governance on the continent. Democracy in Africa: Successes, failures, and the struggle for political reform. But the same is also true in Nigeria and Zimbabwe in 2023. The Africans hoped that democracy, once consolidated, would be the basis for economic development on their continent. Whats Happening to Democracy in Africa? For instance, we know that, until the end of the Cold War, Western nations, led by the United States, often subverted true democratic aspirations in Africa. The European Union declined to send observers, noting that its prior recommendations had not been acted upon, and the U.S. Embassy decided not to deploy observers given restrictions on the numbers of accreditations alloted embassy staff. The varied challenges facing the United States are illustrated by its activities in Somalia, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Ethiopia. Ethiopia faces particular challenges with regards to its broader security context and the high number of internally displaced persons within the country and refugees from neighboring countries. Unfortunately, adherence to the charter remains a challenge for many governments. Since the early 1990s, there have been significant transformations in political systems in many African countries. abecedarian services like healthcare, education, and other musts, which can Citizen election observers did not receive enough accreditation credentials to enable them to comprehensively monitor polls across the country. Much of the international commons literature reveals a decreased functioning of local traditional institutions that regulate natural resource harvesting. There are some positive and encouraging developments for democratic governance on the continent. People eat food. 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