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The Definitive Guide to Order Fulfillment and Customer Service
This is the most authoritative and complete guide to planning, implementing, measuring, and optimizing world-class supply chain order fulfillment and customer service processes. Straight from the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), it brings together up-to-the-minute knowledge and best practices for all facets of order fulfillment and customer service process management, from initial customer inquiry through post sales service and support. CSCMP and contributor Stanley Fawcett introduce crucial concepts ranging from customer order cycles to available-to-promise and supply chain RFID to global order capture networks.
The Definitive Guide to Order Fulfillment and Customer Service imparts a deep understanding of each crucial process, helping readers optimize your most important customer contacts. Coverage includes:
3 日以内の配送により、物流会社は輸送ルートとリソースを合理的に配置することで、配送効率を確保しながら輸送コストを削減できます。